Saturday, February 22, 2020

Shared Student Shopping System Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Shared Student Shopping System - Assignment Example This shall ensure students utilise the system significantly once it becomes operational. PACT analysis People The system targets students living in shared accommodation. Shopping malls and supermarkets shall adopt the system through which grocery orders shall be received from students. The system shall be available online, and accessible from computers as well as other devices with internet connection like mobile phones. Availability of the system online would attract a surmountable number of students into using the system. Majority of these students own, and have access to these devices. The students shall be able to order through an online system from devices of their choice. This immensely simplifies the shopping experience as individuals can choose favourite devices to use. Since students extensively use the internet, accessing this system shall become part of their routine. Individual differences of people shall be catered for through the freedom to access the system using devic es of one’s choice. Majority of the targeted population can efficiently operate computers and mobile phone. These people also possess enough knowledge of the internet. The individuals, therefore, shall not require familiarisation training before using the system. The system provides guidelines for users to interface with the program controlling the system. With the system utilising commonly used devices, motivation for individuals to utilise the shopping system shall increase significantly. Activities The activities to be undertaken by the system revolve around purchasing grocery. The system contains a list of grocery items commonly used in households. Offering a list to choose from reduces the chances of forgetting an item when purchasing. A person may also remember a required item appearing on the system list. The system allows individuals to search for availability of required groceries. The supermarket database indicates the remaining amounts of stock. This allows buyers to order for available groceries only. Following every order received the system records that a purchased stock is needed. When the order becomes complete, the system produces a virtual list of all items requested. Against each item an indication of availability appears. The buyer could effectively erase items not available while retaining the ones available. At this stage the buyer gets an opportunity to review items requested. Upon reviewing, additions or subtractions of items could be performed. If no amendments required the system requests the buyer to confirm order. The order then is sent, via the internet, to the relevant grocery store awaiting delivery. These activities reduce the time taken to travel to grocery stores, and energy for carrying the groceries to the residence. Context The context of this system lies in establishing a reliable online shopping system. The congestion of people within supermarkets and other grocery stores necessitates a different approach towards g rocery purchasing. There appears to be an increasing need to change the shopping habits of individuals aimed at reducing the congestion. This system allows individuals to make grocery orders at the comfort of their residence. The activity may also be carried out in remote locations outside residences. The ability to undertake these activities without physical presence at shopping malls simplifies shopping

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Microeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Microeconomics - Essay Example In fact although not recognized back then the effects of globalization in its nascent stages was also leading to uncomfortably unprecedented changes in the economy in nations that were within the reach of integration and these effects also led to the need being felt for some sort of control (Salvatore, 2001). All these culminated to the creation of the system at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire where 730 delegates from all 44 allied nations had come to participate in the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference and they debated upon and signed the Bretton Woods agreement during the course of the initial three weeks in the month of July, 1944. The objective of the present endeavour is to bring out the rationale behind the creation of the system and to look at its various performances and then to finally examine the causes behind its breaking down as a system. In what follows, we first look at economic and political conditions the prevalence of which c reated the need for such a system to explore the rationale. We then look at the significant contributions and failures of the system and finally concluding with pointing out the main causes that led to a break down in the Bretton woods system. In the post First World War period most of the affected economies sought the security and the stability provided by the previous system referred to as the Gold standard and by 1926, most of them returned to it. However sub-optimal valuations of a significant number of currencies coupled with a seriously hurt and still recovering England having to assume leadership as well as certain other flaws in adoption of the system led to degradations in global economic relations and financial interactions. This drop hit its trough with the great depression that spread through open channels of trade from its origin of Great Britain to all the major economies of the World. As a direct consequence economies the world over saw