Thursday, December 26, 2019

The History of Fathers Day

Fathers Day is held on the third Sunday in June to celebrate and honor fathers.  And while the first Mothers Day was celebrated in 1914 after President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation making Mothers Day the second Sunday in May,  Fathers Day did not become official until 1966.   The Story of Fathers Day Who invented Fathers Day? While there are at least two or three different people credited with that honor, most historians consider Sonora Smart Dodd  of Washington State to be the first person to have proposed the holiday in 1910. Dodds father was a Civil War veteran named William Smart. Her mother died giving birth to her sixth child, which left William Smart a widower with five children to raise on his own. When Sonora Dodd married and had her own children, she realized what a tremendous job her father had done in raising her and her siblings as a single parent. After hearing her pastor give a sermon about the newly established Mothers Day, Sonora Dodd suggested to him that there should also be a Fathers Day and proposed that the date be June 5, her fathers birthday. However, her pastor needed more time to prepare a sermon, so he moved the date to June 19, the third Sunday of the month. Fathers Day Traditions One of the early ways established to celebrate Fathers Day was to wear a flower. Sonora Dodd suggested wearing a red rose if your father was still living  and wearing a white flower if your father was deceased. Later, presenting him with a special activity, gift, or a card became commonplace. Dodd spent years campaigning for Fathers Day to be celebrated nationally. She commissioned the help of mens goods manufacturers and others who might benefit from a Fathers Day, such as the makers of ties, tobacco pipes, and other products that would make for a suitable gift for fathers. In 1938, a Fathers Day Council was founded by the New York Associated Mens Wear Retailers to help with the widespread promotion of Fathers Day. Still, the public continued to resist the idea. Many Americans believed an official Fathers Day would be just another way for retailers to make money since the popularity of Mothers Day boosted the sale of gifts for mothers. Making Fathers Day Official As early as 1913, bills had been submitted to congress to recognize Fathers Day nationally. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson pushed to make Fathers Day official, but couldnt muster enough support from Congress. In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge  would also recommend that Fathers Day be observed, but did not go so far as to issue a national proclamation. In 1957, Margaret Chase Smith, a senator from Maine, wrote a proposal that accused Congress of ignoring fathers for 40 years while only honoring mothers. It wasnt until 1966 that  President Lyndon Johnson  finally signed a presidential proclamation that made the third Sunday of June, Fathers Day. In 1972, President Richard Nixon made Fathers Day a permanent national holiday. What  Gifts Fathers Want Forget about snazzy ties, cologne, or car parts. What fathers really want is family time. According to a Fox News report, About 87 percent of dads would rather have dinner with the family. Most fathers dont want another tie, as 65 percent said they would rather get nothing than another tie. And before you go running out to buy mens cologne, only 18 percent of dads said they want some kind of personal care product. And only 14 percent said they want automotive accessories.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Who Determines Right And Wrong Essay - 1886 Words

Who Determines Right and Wrong? Since the movie â€Å"Straight Out of Compton† premiered in theaters in 2015, people have paid more attention to who cops are shooting, causing riots, name-calling, and minorities speaking up. Using ethos, logos, and pictures, these three articles try to persuade the audiences wither the problem is in racism or if the population effects police stops. In this paper so the reader can follow along with the articles better, I will refer to each article as article one, two or three. Article one is an article that supports the Black Lives Matter movement. Article two is an article that supports the Blue Lives Matter movement, and article three is more of a middle ground showing the evidence more than picking a side. The article written by Celisa Calacal, an intern with ThinkProgress, and Afrienne Mashsa Varkiani there is a huge battle between sources and differences in numbers reported right off the bat, which questions the creditability of the articles sources and the people whose job it is to report these heinous crimes. The Guardian is a British newspaper that’s has been around for 195 years ( ). The Guardian states that 855 people have died due to police shootings so far in 2016 (paper 1) . However, the Washington Post states differently. The Washington Post is an American daily newspaper and has been around 138 years ( The Washington Post states thatShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Cultural Moral Relativism1627 Words   |  7 Pagescultures are equal and should be treated as such. Cultural moral relativism is also based on the idea that there is no universal truth in ethics (Rachels 18). If a c ertain standard exists in a society, that standard is right (at least in that society). 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Doll free essay sample

# 8217 ; s House, Minor Characters Essay, Research Paper There are three minor characters in the drama, but they each have a really of import function. Kristine Linde was a childhood friend of Nora? s. She has a major consequence on events that happen in the drama. She is the first character to see that Nora is non a kid. Nora is merely moving to suit into the function Torvald has made for her. She is a savior for Nora. She has gone through many tough times so she has much more existent universe experience than Nora. Kristine? s yesteryear was really unsmooth, but the things she has lived through do her the strong individual she is. She one time had true love, but made the error of go forthing it for stableness and money. She suffered because of the picks she made and is much stronger because of them. At a immature age Kristine sacrificed her felicity to take attention of her deceasing female parent and two younger brothers. We will write a custom essay sample on Doll or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Her life did non truly get down until her household no longer needed her. Kristine besides has a large consequence on the alterations Krogstad makes in his life. These two had a anterior love that still lingers into the present. Kristine helps Krogstad better his life. This alteration benefits Nora? s life in many ways. Kristine? s difficult life was something that most adult females did non hold to see many old ages ago. Like Nora, she besides had an empty matrimony. This ended when her hubby died, but his decease merely forced her to work for a life. Kristine was a foil to Nora ; she experienced difficult work and a troubled, but independent life. Nora was weak, frail, and merely knew how to populate by other people? s Stevens 7 regulations. She helped Nora go a stronger individual ; this strength helped Nora live her nonmeaningful life to get down over. Kristine has already gone through all the things Nora is about to face. Finally, Kristine was a good friend to Nora. Kristine he lped Nora repair her frock when Nora was incapacitated and did non cognize what to make. She besides fixed the state of affairs between Nora and Krogstad. In many ways Kristine helped Nora repair her life ( Sortland ) . Another minor character was Krogstad. He provides much of the struggle in the drama. He starts off as a cruel and pitiless adult male, merely looking out for himself. During the drama Krogstad wholly turns about. He no longer merely cares about his money and luck. Kristine helps him go a better individual. Krogstad is a foil degree Fahrenheit or Torvald. Torvald is a obstinate adult male, unwilling to alter. Torvald has a superior attitude, while Krogstad reveals the truth, reforms, and becomes a better adult male. Krogstad is a operator, but this misrepresentation evolves into the truth. All of the bad things Krogstad tried to make to Nora ended up assisting her. The place he put her in made her realize that she needed a alteration in her life. Krogstad tries to clean up his repute and better his societal standings so that he can be a better male parent to his kids ( Mazurak ) . The concluding minor character is Dr. Rank. He has the equivalent of a love matter with Nora. Everything is at that place, including the emotions ; the relationship is merely missing physical love. Dr. Rank is person Nora can speak to. He is available emotionally while Torvald is non. Nora can confide in Dr. Rank, but non her ain hubby. The Helmers were fond of Dr. Rank? s presence, particularly Nora. Dr. Rank did non present himself as higher-up. He looked at Nora as an equal, and that is something that Torvald neer did. Dr. Rank genuinely loved Nora. He did non believe of her as a doll or toy ( Magill ) . Stevens 8 Each of the characters in the drama has a specific relationship with another character. There are concern relationships, relationships of love, and relationships between friends. Nora and Krogstad? s relationship is purely concern. Nora borrowed money from him to take attention of Torvald when he was ill. Nora knows that adult females are non supposed to borrow money and she knows that Torvald would non O.K. of her borrowing money. It was non merely inappropriate for Nora to borrow this money, but she besides forged her male parent? s signature to acquire it. This puts Krogstad in control of their relationship. The understanding they had started out really simple, but when Krogstad is about to free his occupation he will make anything to maintain it. It was really convenient that he had? soil? on the married woman of his new foreman ( Mazurak ) . Nora and Dr. Rank besides have a lovingness relationship. It may non hold been a wholly honorable one, but there were feelings involved. Dr. Rank was in secret in love with Nora for most of the drama. It was non until he became really ill that he told Nora his true feelings. Nora may non hold felt the same manner as Dr. Rank, but she did bask his company. He was the lone adult male who did non see Nora as inferior.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Steps in Recruitment Process an Example of the Topic Government and Law Essays by

Steps in Recruitment Process In contemporary America companies are increasingly becoming focused on being competitive on a national and global level. The importance of the recruitment process is vital for organizational competitiveness and a failure to approach this function effectively will have consequences for future job performance. Numerous authors have emphasised the importance of integrating the recruitment process into organizational strategies and HR systems as well as the necessity to respond to changes in the organization's environment (e.g. Stone, 2002, p.174, Nankervis, Compton the right people to the right jobs (Stone, 2002, p.124). In conjunction with the impact of the global economy, the high demand for skilled labor has meant a world-wide shortage of skilled staff and this trend continues in the US particularly as organizations seek increased competitiveness resulting in a fundamental change in the labor market. This has led to a need for organizations to develop sound HR policies and an effecti ve recruitment process ensuring that it can acquire the most qualified pool of applicants available. The essence of the recruitment process is traditionally embedded among its steps and their effective execution. Need essay sample on "Steps in Recruitment Process" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed From the critical point of view, the name of steps in recruitment varies with the authors approach. In broad sense the first step in recruitment process refers to planning. This step is designed to ensure that companys management has a vision of companys staffing needs and requirements, as well as a realistic time scale for it. This stage is also important as company or its HR department decides on what method or strategy to pursue to acquire the most qualified pool of candidates, namely conduct internal or external recruitment. Practical stage of recruitment process contains four intrinsic elements: job requisition, analysis, attracting candidates, and selection. Job requisition stage corresponds to the process described above as planning stage though in some literature separate these stages and some incorporate in one whole element. A Job Analysis Stage represents a very important part of the recruitment process as it provides a framework to base managers decisions on. For instance, if HR decides that a third level qualification is required for a particular job then he/she can dismiss all application forms from candidates who are below this level. From this standpoint, writing a job description will help the company define exactly what company wants its new employee to do, and it will also help the applicants understand what they are applying for. A good job description will set out the boundaries within which a person is to work along with the tasks and responsibilities to be undertaken, so that is gives both the employer and employee an understanding of what is excepted from both of them. It should also include the main purpose of the job and the results the person should achieve. During the stage of attracting the candidates, company, which decided on the position it wants to fill and the type of candidate, has a range of options for finding suitable applicants. Different methods will be appropriate for different jobs. There is a combination of methods, which can give HR department the best choice of candidate. Internal recruitment can be cost effective as it makes the most of existing talent who have had first hand experience within the companies systems and procedures. Press advertising can create quick responses and it also reaches a wide range of possible applicants actively looking for a new job. However this method can be expensive and it may attract too many candidates, which lays beyond necessary division. Using recruitment agencies can save a lot of time and money, as they will advertise shortlist and interview. This method can also be quicker than others as the company has access to the agency's database of potential candidates. On the other hand, r ecruitment agencies can be very expensive, they may not understand exactly what the company requires and they may use limited selection methods as recruitment consultants skills can vary. During selection stage, the major challenges faced by HR management are the handling of job applications and interview preparation. One main contributor of poor selection of applicants is the failure to establish a selection criterion that is not only consistent with organizational strategies, but reflects the frame of reference set by the job analysis. Employers frequently change job requirements and it results in incorrect selection if HR and line management select unqualified candidates (Compton, Morrissey & Nankervis, 2002, p.81). This will have consequences for the organization, such as increased training time, labor turnover, absenteeism and poor performance (Stone, 2002, p.212). Therefore, information required for interview preparation must be accurate and objective. It is necessary to specify the exact skills and qualifications required for jobs and this is difficult due to the dynamic, perpetually changing nature of jobs. Bibliography Compton, R.L., Morrissey, W.J. & Nankervis, A.R. (2002) Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices, 3rd Ed, Cambridge University Press Nankervis, A.R., Compton, R.L., McCarthy, T.E. (1999) Strategic Human Resource Management, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall Stone, R.J. (2002) Human Resource Management, 4th Ed. Rutledge, London